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Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr. Markus Valtiner

Institute of Applied Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Characterisation of forces, structures and ion dynamics at solid liquid interfaces with AFM


Prof. Dr. Markus Valtiner


Being able to probe electrolyte structures and ion mobility at molecular scales is central for the fundamental understanding and steering of various processes in biologic and material systems. I will show how force probe experiments can be utilized for studying interfacial physics at solid/liquid interfaces. Ion-mobility and structuring during reactive and non-reactive conditions can be measured in real time. This includes ion-layering and characterisation of ion adsorption with close to atomic resolution. The discussion will focus on simple electrolytes, electrochemical and ionic liquid systems. Further, I will provide a broader perspective how to develop the technique further, and how recent advances can already find new exciting applications, across sometimes unexpected fields. These range from studying physiologic processes, to technologic application in (electro)catalysis, microfluidics or geology.